Everyone experiences 5 Sleep Phoenix karaoke during the night. When you understand these 5 Sleep Stages it can make it easier for you to fall asleep at night and wake feeling restored each morning.
When one doesn’t get enough sleep at night, they do not progress through these 5 Sleep Stages, this will negatively affect the quality, duration, and onset of sleep. When this happens, many people develop Sleep Difficulties. If these Sleep challenges are not remedied they can negatively affect one’s health and relationships. It is very hard to find your pathway to experiencing optimal health when you don’t get a good night Sleep.
Human sleep consists of a succession of five recurring stages: four non-REM stages and the REM stage. (REM=Rapid Eye Movement) Many discussions about Sleep Stages include “Waking” as a sixth stage.
The five stages of sleep, including their repetition, occur cyclically during the night. The first cycle lasts for about 90-100 minutes and ends after the completion of the first REM stage and. Each REM stage typically lasts longer, thus each cycle lasts longer. A person who has no trouble sleeping may complete as many as five cycles in a normal night’s Sleep.
The quality of sleep changes with each transition from one of the 5 Sleep Stages into another. Each stage is a part of a predictable cycle whose intervals are observable and is independent from the other and is marked by subtle changes in bodily function.
Waking or relaxed wakefulness, is actually the phase in which a person falls asleep. This is the stage in which the body prepares itself for sleep. When a person first lies down in bed, they have tense muscles and their eyes are moving erratically. As a person becomes more relaxed and sleepier, the body begins to slow down, muscles relax, and eye movement slows to a roll.
–Tip to help fall asleep: Using relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep can expedite this process and help a person fall asleep quicker.
Stage 1 sleep or drowsiness, is considered as first in the sequence when Waking is not included. There is a 50% reduction in activity between wakefulness and stage 1 sleep. The eyes are closed during Stage 1 sleep and lasts for five to 10 minutes.
Stage 2 is a period of light sleep during which there are intermittent peaks and valleys, or positive and negative waves observed in the brain. The heart rate slows, and the body temperature decreases. (Note: You won’t fall asleep until there is a decrease in body temperature.